
Welcome to EtMelody

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3 days Free trial period and then 2 Birr per day. You can terminate the service by sending a STOP to 9733. If you have not yet registered to use our service, register by dialing 9733 OK on your phone !! Or click the trigger below.

Why choose us?

So, Can I Really Learn an Instrument Online? Yes you can! Although for some students-especially those looking to be professionals-formal instruction is the way to go, if you're looking to learn to play just for yourself, online learning is a fantastic option.

EtMelody exists to discover and build on the musical and creative potential present in children and adult too

There are many variations of instuments to select from.

Great instractors.

Show and course videos

We believe that if our students can use their hands, then they can play an instrument (if they desire to). Through out music classes, lessons and education programs we bring to our students musical expriences that will last for a life time.

An online learning platform

Flexible Time

Best matrials for traditinal and modern instruments

Register today and make your dream come true


Frequently Asked Questions

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Location :

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
